
We believe that God has given the church a great commission to proclaim the Gospel to all nations so that there might be a great multitude who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. As ambassadors of Christ, we must use all available means to go to the foreign nations and not wait for them to come to us. (Matt. 28:19-20)

Our Missionaries

Ambassador Baptist College – North Carolina

Dan & Becky Bennett – the Deaf in Brazil

David & Vicki Bennett –Silent Word Ministries International

Eric & Lori Bohman – BIMI Africa Director

J.J. & Valerie Cheloudtchenko – France

Joel & Brooke Daku – Kirabati & The Passage Northwest in Montana

Sawat & Amanda Dasantad – Thailand

Nathan & Rebecca Fray – Brazil

J.B. & Linda Godfrey – BIMI Far East Director

Robert & Jean Heath – BIMI Education Coordinator

Rickson & Susan Kihleng – Micronesia

Stephen & Vicki King – Germany

Nathan & Ruth Kinoshita – Japan

Russell & Lisa Mackay – Canada

Eric & Jessica Porterfield – Blind Faith Ministries – South Sudan

Dan & Jennifer Post – Canada

Rom & Rachel Ribeiro – Brazil

Jason & Mary Ritchie – Camp BIMI

Jason & Teresa Severs – Alaska

Jeff & Bettina Shue – Texas

David & Barb Snyder – BIMI President

Gary & Joy Sprunger – BIMI Caribbean Director

Nick & Lindsey Stelzig – Boston

Kyle & Jamie Sutton – Australia

Ethel Wilson – Japan